5 Thoughts You'll have When You Quit a Toxic Job

If you are not happy in your current working situation, just quit after having clear idea of what to do next. Your mental peace is more than anything. Some thoughts that will come to your mind may be as follows 1. Am I doing the right thing! Whatever toxicity is there in your job, the moment you are leaving it, makes you confused. It's quite normal. Overthinking your decision will only cause more tension. You need not worry regarding uncertainties. I guess anything you have chosen will be be better than what you were going through. So it's much better to put away with all the burden at once. 2. What will others think? Even though that question does not need to be answered, It will haunt you for a specific period. But eventually you will have peace within yourself that you will stop caring about that. Living for yourself will became a part of your routine. You will gradually understand people will peek into your life no matter what. And will always have something to say. I...