5 Things that are making you secretly Unhappy

Happiness is something we all want. We wish for the same through multiple ways in daily life. But there are certain things which are making as unhappy, without us even knowing it consciously. 

Here are the few things that are making you unhappy

1. You want everything to be perfect

You are constantly aspiring for perfection. Even if you are falling behind by just few steps it makes you unhappy. 

This behavior can cause unhappiness in you which grows bigger every day. So just stop making every thing perfect. Somethings in life are meant to be fallen apart. And its the beauty of life.

2. Comparing your life with others by seeing social medias

If you're constantly scrolling through social media and believing everything you see, You are fooling yourself. First accept the fact that people only show things that they believe are good to be shown.

So everything you see in these platforms are not true. Even if they are true, they are only some moments in their day to day life. You are not seeing their full story.

Try to focus more on yourself. And live your life your way.

3. Trying to procrastinate your problems

Many of us are guilty of doing this. As we feel we are not ready to face it we try to solve it later on. But what actually happens is that we will be thinking about it every moment until it is solved. 

So whats best solution for this? 

It's always best to face it right away. 

If you can make changes, do it.

 If not, accept it and move on.

4. Thinking that you have not achieved enough

We are constantly thinking like we're in a race. Setting a goal and moving towards is fine. But being unhappy throughout the struggle is not fine.

Enjoy each and every step towards the goal. Pat your back, when you make good moves. 

Once you have reached the goal, you will have the next one. So if you are thinking about being happy at the end, the end will not be there. 

5. Constantly thinking what might go wrong

For example, if you are going to have an interview tomorrow. You will will be worrying all about it today and once you reach before the panel, you are not afraid anymore. And confidently give all the answers. 

So what has happened? You have wasted a full day worrying for nothing. 

Stop having such unnecessary thoughts. It will only make you waste more number of days in the future.

We can be happy, only if we choose to be happy. Its all in our hands. Make wise decisions for our own good.


  1. First one hit me. I always want everything to be perfect. It's like waiting for something that's not possible.

    1. Hopefully, this post can help you in some way.


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