Complete Guideline to Remove Toxicity from Your Life


Life with peace and happiness is dream of everyone. But sometimes our life tend to cross path with some people who are so negative in a way that your life will start feeling valueless after meeting them. 

I too  once had such kind of friend , not just a friend but someone I used to call my best friend. It was during my teenage days that I met this person. 

Exactly in my 11th grade. It was such a time when I was in dilemma that all my childhood friends opted for science stream. But I wanted to choose commerce stream. This person came to my life  on my first day. I was so happy in the beginning because I never thought I would found somebody without much search. 

But I didn't know what was going to follow. She daily reminded me of my shortcomings. She continuously commented bad on my looks and things I liked.

 My self esteem began to become low to such a point that I was worried even to look at others with confidence. 

But my other friends and my family stood for me strongly at that bad times. I didn't want to end that friendship with hate. But a complete cut off from her was necessary.

 I grabbed all my courage and clearly talked to her. Thank God, after 12th we parted our ways for good. 

Looking back at those days, it was one of the best decisions of my life. I regained my confidence and self esteem. So here are ways you can spot and remove that toxic person from your life.

5 Steps to remove the toxicity from your life

1. Accept your flows and weakness

Humans are bound to make mistakes. And everyone can be bad at certain things. Just try to accept your weakness. No one is perfect. So identifying your own weakness will help you to accept yourselves. When you have accepted yourselves, you will not need someone to show it to you.

2. Recognize the person who makes you sad at the end of the day

Before going to sleep most of as will be having thoughts about that day. It can be happy feelings or hard feelings. So just try to find reasons behind that sadness. 

Most probably it may be a comment from a nearby person that stays within you. Many a times we may fail to recognize that person. 

Just reflect the happenings of day continuously for a week. If you find that you are getting hurt from the comments of the same person again and again. Then you must understand that he or she may be the one who is causing problems in your life.

3. You don't need to be good to all

That notion that you are having inside you that you must be nice to everyone around you must be stopped. You need to understand that everyone around you is not good for you.

You are not the person who can save the negative ones and transform them into good minded souls. So stop sympathizing with yourself.

4. Learn to say 'No'

Sometimes you may have silenced yourself in order to avoid conflicts. But if you understand that they have crossed the boundary, You just need to speak for yourself. No one is going to do it for you. 

Giving apt reply at certain times is better than regretting later and crying your mind out.

5. Block them

You should not only avoid seeing or speaking to them. But also block them from all your social media accounts. Unfollowing them from everywhere will reduce your chances to going back to them. 

Distancing yourself from them in all possible way is better than going into anxiety issues later on.


  1. Only silence is the best answer to toxic people

  2. Toxic people will remain toxic, can't change them. It is better to focus on ourselves

  3. Toxic people will remain toxic, can't change them. It is better to focus on ourselves


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